
Serena BobboSerena Bobbo, fotografa freelance, è nata a Treviso nel 1989, ha conseguito il Diploma di Maestro d’Arte presso l’Istituto Statale d’Arte “Bruno Munari a Vittorio Veneto, e la Laurea triennale in Conservazione dei Beni Culturali presso l’Università di Trieste. Ha collaborato come fotografa con Centoparole Magazine, Wunderkammer TriesteSteve Kaufman Art Licensing LLCFotografia Zero Pixel Trieste AllNews.

This is an excellent photographer! I personally enjoyed the energy and the professional work

Photoshooting trip to Amsterdam

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How I work with Mary & Richard

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This is an excellent company! I personally enjoyed the energy and the professional support

What inside you & what you see in people.

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What your friends think about photographers

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